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The Library has  4 categories of Books


New Books

The list of new books for the month is available in the Library on the last Friday of the month. The list also appears in the Newsletter and on the Library Web Page. Members interested in reading any of the new books sign up in the red binder on the counter in the Library. New books are available only to Members who have paid their annual dues. Those who have signed up are called in the order their request was received as the book becomes available. Once a Member has been called, the book is held for pick up for 2 days. If the Member does not pick up the book, the next person on the list will get the book. New books are checked out for 2 weeks and usually may not be renewed. A member may have 2 checked out books at a time.  


Recent Books

Once all requests for new books have been filled, books are placed on the Reserve Shelves, located in the locked cabinets behind the counter. Members who have paid their dues may select books from these shelves during Library hours and check them out for 2 weeks. Members may have 2 checked out books at any time.  


Older Books - Open Shelves

When a Reserve Book has not been checked out for a couple of months, it is moved to the Open Shelves. These shelves are never locked and the books are available to all residents on the honor system. The Library recommends users take no more than couple of books at a time and return them in a timely manner. These books are not checked out. The map of the Library indicates where books are shelved.

Due to limited space in the Library, books are no older than 5 years and the Librarians remove older books from the shelves to be donated to Oceanside Friends of the Library.  



The Library does not purchase paperback books but there is a section near the magnifier for paperbacks that have been donated. These books are available to all residents and may be borrowed at any time. The Library recommends taking no more than 2 books at a time and returning them in a timely manner.




The Library welcomes donations of used books. Donations should be placed in the slot on the desk or brought in during Library Hours. Due to space limitations, books in the Library are less than 5 years old so older books will be held for donation to the Oceanside Friends of the Library. Paperbacks should also be placed in the slot on the desk to be processed.  

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